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A few months ago I decided to give FreeCodeCamp (FCC) a go. As of submitting this post, Iโ€™m basically done with the Responsive Webdesign Certificate. I already knew the majority of this stuff way before FCC, however I still got a lot out of this, especially the projects. The most valuable lesson and challenge is that of using only what you need.

The Tribute page gets bad rep for not requiring much. I saw this as an opportunity to try to use as much newness that I didnโ€™t know about prior to FCC. You really can create an entire web page with almost no div tags.

My CSS usually balloons to over 800 lines of code but this page? 64! And a huge part of this was because of the semantic HTML. It was easier to see how inheritance works once the divs werenโ€™t mysteries. I opted against using front end frameworks and the tiny bit of javascript that I knew because the purpose of this and all things is not to race ahead but to make the most of what youโ€™re learning.

You can view all my FCC projects on Codepen