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I miss drinking a good latte and sitting in a library. I can’t stand being in the same place. I also miss work. I miss specifically making drinks. Maybe one day I’ll be in a spot where I do the drink making stuff once a week but the coding/designing stuff most of the time.

This week I started to get into the groove of things. I try to do yoga every day, walk outside everyday.The problem with blogging is it is restrictive by its public nature. Sorry this is disjointed. I’m slowly wanting to pick up Java again. Right when quarantine is almost over.

I didn’t write more java posts because writing tutorials are really difficult. I try to think of these tutorials as notes to past me. But current me reads them and thinks “Why are they so disjointed? So disconnected?”. I’m left more lost than before. So I’m going to start off a bit easier and write very basic HTML and CSS tutorials. 

Reading on the Web

Learning on the Web


  • Evita in Spanish. I rewatched Pan’s Labyrinth and suddenly want to dust off my high school Spanish.

Learning Off the Web

  • Spanish (sort of). This is mainly through listening to Evita in Spanish and that’s it
  • French. Picked up Duolingo again and am watching a ton of French book vloggers.
  • Video editing. This is kind of on/off the web. I’m trying out different filming and sounds with a Google Pixel. Exporting videos from the phone is an absolute pain.