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This tutorial assumes you are using either JAWS or NVDA (although it should also work with Narrator as we’re using native keystrokes). The tutorial also assumes you have the Zoom desktop client and a Zoom account.

[you could read my bad instructions below but you are much better off watchiing this well made Freedom Scientific Youtube video.]

  1. Open Zoom (you can do this by pressing Windows, typing in Zoom and then selecting that option and pressing enter).
  2. Tab until you hear Schedule Button. Press space bar to select.
  3. A pop up box will appear and the cursor will be focused in the Topic field. Type in the name of the meeting. Then hit tab twice. The first time places focus on the Start field, the second time lets you edit it.
  4. The start field has two fields: date and time. The date field has three components: month, day and year. The last two of these components (day and year) give you the options of using the up and down arrows or typing in your values. The time field also has three components: hour, minute and time of day (a.m. or p.m). The first two components give you the option of typing in your values or using the up and down arrows.
    1. For the month, use the up arrow to go further in the future (ex: May, June, July). Use the down arrow to go closer to the present month (ex: July, June, May). Use the right arrow to get to the date.
    2. For the day, you may type in the value (like 23) or you may use the up and down arrows. The up arrow will count upwards (ex: 1,2,3) and the down arrow will count downwards (ex: 3,2,1). Once the date has been selected, right arrow to get to year.
    3. Same as the date, you may type in the year (like 2027) or you may use the up and down arrows. Up will count upwards and down will count downwards. Once the year has been selected, press tab to get to the Time picker.
    4. Press tab again to start changing the field. The first field is the hour. You may use the up and down arrows or you may type in your value. Right arrow to minute.
    5. Like the hour, you may type in the minutes or you may use the up and down arrows. Right arrow into A.M. edit spin box.
    6. Choose A.M. or P.M. by using the down or up arrow. Tab into the Duration combo box.
  5. The duration combo box has two components: hour and minutes. The hour goes from 0 to 24 in 1 hour increments. The minutes go from 0 to 45 in 15 minute increments.
    1. Use the up and down arrows to select the hours you would like then tab into minutes.
    2. Use the up and down arrows to select the minutes you would like then tab into Recurring Meetings checkbox.
  6. A Recurring Meeting is a meeting that will be occuring on the same day and time for several weeks in a row. Use the space bar to check the box or uncheck the box. Tab into the Time Zone combo box.
  7. For the Time Zone combo box, use the up and down arrows to make a selection and then tab into the Meeting ID radio box.
  8. The Meeting ID radio box has two options: Generate Automatically or Personal ID. Generate Automatically means your ID will be different every time you set up a meeting. Personal ID is your ID. It doesn’t change. Tab into Security.
  9. You can use the passcode Zoom generated for you or you may create your own. A person may enter your Zoom meeting without an invitation if they have your meeting ID and passcode. You could send the passcode and meeting ID by email or text it to them.
  10. Tab past the learn more button and tab again to get to Waiting Room checkbox. The waiting room is like a lobby. A user in this room will not be able to enter until the host lets them in. Use the space bar to check or uncheck this option. Tab into the the Video option.
  11. The Video Option is a radio box. You may choose to have the video on or off by using the up and down arrows. That is you may choose to have your camera on or off. Next tab to Video Participants radio box. You may select on or off also with the aformentioned arrows. This option allows participants to have their video on or off-that is their camera on or off. Tab into the Calendar radio box.
  12. The Calendar radio box has three options: Outlook, Google Calendars or Other Calendar. Use the up and down arrows to make a selection. These options (except Other Calendar) will add the meeting to your calendar. Tab to advance options.
  13. To open the Advanced Options submenu, press the space bar. There are four items and they are all check boxes. To go through them use tab and shift plus tab. Here are the four options:
    1. Allow Participants to Join Anytime
    2. Mute Participants upon Entry
    3. Automatically record meetings on the local computer.
    4. Approve or block entries for users from specific countries/regions.
      Once you have reviewed all these options, Tab to Save.
  14. Press space bar to activate the save button. Once activated you will be brought to a different pop up box. This box displays the invitation message. Tab three times to get to Copy to Clipboard. Press the space bar to copy to clipboard. Use JAWS plus Windows then C to read the contents of the clipboard to make sure it was copied.

Presto! You have now successfully created a meeting. You may paste the invitation using ctrl plus v in emails to invite people to a meeting.