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I haven’t written a pandemic update in a while. These posts -although useless - are pretty cathartic. Starting last week I started to pick up my mood again all though it is always at the cusp of falling. I know why. I find my worrying goes against the consensus. I considered not writing these anymore but I decided to continue 100% because Koos’ pandemic journal

This journal is here anyway, because these are tough times to many. We’re more alone than ever. And maybe something I share in here will be useful to you.


It is comforting to know, somewhere in Germany, someone is also going through similar feelings as I.

The main driver of why I put things on the internet is so I can remember who I was at any given time. I like to occasionally reach back to something from 10 years ago and see “ah, that’s what I value. My humor sucked then, nice”.

I touched on this in an earlier post but part of why I wanted to get into SSGs is to own my content. I’d like Tumblr to stick around but I don’t believe that will be the case. Where will my content go when Tumblr is gone? This current blog is being hosted on Vercel, however it is possible that it won’t stick around but all these mark down files are in two places: github and my laptop. So the contents of my blog are safe.

Connecting #

During this pandemic, I’ve been keeping in touch with friends, family and coworkers via text and social media. It is not the same. You can’t really emote through tonality. You can’t really be spontaneous either. And Zoom is terrible. Video chatting is alright. The converse is also true. I read people through their voice so without tools of inference, I find we’re all merely present.

What I’ve been up to #

Reading on the internet

Learning on the Internet

I am learning to cook. Here’s the meals thus far. I started cooking three weeks ago

Reading and Learning not on the internet

Coffee #

Coffee gets its own section. The first week of the pandemic, I got really into making coffee. Making coffee like any other hobby goes on a scale of being very affordable to being … uh, expensive Luckily most tools you need to make different good cups of coffee are tools you can use for other things.

The basics are:

Different coffee equipment I own.

Coffees I’ve made

To future me: don’t look at this a year from now and think “I’m not in a pandemic and I accomplished so much more when I was”. You had a ton of days where you did nothing but panic stare at your phone. And most days you merely existed. To me four days from now try not to burden yourself with “making the most of it and being productive AF”.You know this post is a summary of the past two months. You know you didn’t do that much but maybe that’s okay.