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I’ve been hesitant to post this as I try not to corner myself as a blind person but here’s a post on what I do to make things easier as someone with shit eyesight.

The most important thing to do is recognize that yes, your eyesight is shit. You’ve got to embrace this. Once you do this, everything will be much easier. BUT understand the better you are at blending in or hiding your bad eyesight, the more people will disbelieve you and think your eyesight is truly not bad. I’ve been accused of lackluster effort multiple times by people (including friends and family) because they don’t realize how certain things (socializing, reading emotional cues, interpersonal relationships in general) is far easier even second nature if you are blessed with decent site. So this embrace must be external as it is internal. This will be hard (especially in the unfriendly tech sector) and it will take a very long time, but it is necessary and worth it!

Ok now to the programming stuff. You are going to need a place to write your code. I’m going to use Notepad because it comes preinstalled in Windows. I like to set the font size to 22px for black on white and 28px for white on black. To open Notepad, click on the magnifier icon/ search bar at the bottom of the screen and type in “Notepad”. After it is opened, click “Format”, go to “Font” and under “Site” choose the size you prefer.

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Next, you need a place to tell the computer to compile and run your program (don’t worry, I’ll go over what this means in a later post). Luckily this place is also preinstalled in the computer. This is called the terminal (it has many other names like command line and command prompt). It lets you tell the computer what to do using texts instead of clicking on pictures (icons). For example, to open Chrome, you might click on the Chrome icon but in the terminal you can enter “chrome.exe”. Open the terminal like you did for Notepad. In the search bar, type in “terminal”, click it and then once it’s opened right click, go to “Properties”. Click font to change the font size (I have mine set to 28px), go to “Color” to change the text.

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All right! There you have it! We’ll use this setup for the first program that we’ll write!